The Why And Hows Of Wearing a Face Mask
Increase the effectiveness of wearing a cloth face masks for COVID-19 by following Dr. Steven Burdette's tips on how to handle and wear masks.

When should I get a flu shot?
Certified Nurse Practitioner Janet Smith talks more about when you should get a flu shot.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis?
Dr. Leelmohan Ravikumar talks more about hepatitis, the different types of the virus, and how they are contracted.

What can one do to lower the chances of getting cervical cancer?
Dr. Michael Guy explains what women can do to decrease their chance of getting cervical cancer.

What is venous disease, and what are its symptoms?
Dr. Abdelhamed Abdelhamed talks more about venous disease and its symptoms.

What is the risk of untreated venous disease?
Dr. Abdelhamed Abdelhamed talks more about the risks of not treating venous disease.

What are the treatments for venous disease?
Dr. Abdelhamed Abdelhamed talks more about treatments for venous disease.

What are the benefits of an epidural following the birth of my baby?
Dr. Juan Reina explains how epidurals are controlled following a baby’s birth.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an epidural?
Dr. Juan Reina discusses the advantages and disadvantages of epidurals.

What is a prenatal panel?
Dr. Charles Hageman explains prenatal panels.

What groups of people are high risk during flu season?
Dr. Ann DeClue discusses people at high risk during flu season.