Tap into Network of Local Cancer Support Services

Explore local resources — from home health to fashion boutiques — to help you on your journey through cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptoms Often Avoid Detection

Early detection and treatment can improve the outcome.

Facing Cancer: Be Your Own Best Advocate

Follow these guidelines to take charge of your life during your cancer journey.

Diagnosis Lung Cancer: Know What to Ask

How to ask about lung cancer and its treatment, when words escape you.

Why a Second Opinion is a Smart Step

When the diagnosis is cancer, don’t be afraid to seek a second opinion.

Who’s in Your Cancer Care Lineup?

Meet the pros on your cancer care team

Tactics to Tame Treatment Side Effects

These DIY tips may help you feel a little better during cancer care

Five Ways to Fight Breast Cancer

Know your options to make your best treatment decision.

Why to Quit Smoking Now — and How — for Your Heart Health

When you quit smoking, your risk for heart disease decreases immediately.

How Obesity Raises Heart Attack Risk

Weight control puts better heart health within your reach.

10 Heart Attack Warning Signs That May Surprise You

Think you really know the signs of a heart attack? Some of them may surprise you, especially if you’re a woman.