How to Keep Going When You “Gotta Go”

Take control of bladder and pelvic issues and get on with your busy life.

Is It Harmful to “Hold It”?

There’s no need to worry about effects of holding a full bladder — as long as it’s not too long, too often.

The Life-Changing Exercise No One Will Ever See You Do

Kee-gle, Kay-gull — however you pronounce it, we all should be doing Kegel exercises to help prevent bladder leaking

Easy Dietary Changes to Help Prevent “Uh-Ohs”

Bladder leakage, also known as urinary incontinence, is no laughing matter.

Suffer No More! Doctors for Bladder or Pelvic Floor Issues

Don’t suffer in silence. Talk to your doctor for help with bladder and pelvic floor issues.

How To Treat Your Joints Well And Lower Your Risk Of Osteoarthritis

Some osteoarthritis risk factors may be out of your control, but good health practices can work in your favor.

6 Ways to Rise Above the Emotional Impact of Osteoarthritis

When you lose flexibility in your joints, it’s time to develop a resilient attitude to help you navigate the challenges of degenerative joint disease.

Which Is Better, Sugar or Sugar Substitutes? It’s Complicated

Are sugar substitutes a healthy alternative to real sugar, or are you just trading one vice for another?

Colon Cleansing: Uncovering the Hidden Dangers

Think a colon cleanse is a good idea? Learn about the risks and think again.

Secrets to Eating Healthy at Any Age

Follow these tips for eating right at every stage of life.

Learn if Tracking Calories or Carbs Makes a Difference

Cut calories or count carbs? The answer may surprise you

Get the Facts on GMOs

Genetically modified foods – scary or safe?