I Miss - Martha Oches
We asked some of our fellow community members why they chose to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Their answers are both heartwarming and humbling, and we hope they'll help you in making your own decision regarding the vaccine. We’ve all had to make immense sacrifices during this pandemic. Let’s get back to living like we used to.

I Miss - Dottie Wettstone
Enjoying the things we love to do is a big part of enjoying life itself. We all have the opportunity to take part in getting back to normal, so let’s put this virus behind us.

I Miss - Marilyn Halteman
It’s been a very lonely time for many of us, and we all want the same thing—to enjoy life’s moments again. Together. Let’s put this virus behind us.

Am I In The Right Age Group To Safely Get The COVID-19 Vaccine?
Dr. Randy Marriott answers: Am I in the right age group to safely get the vaccine?

I Miss - Carolyn Brethen
Carolyn Brethen has not been able to visit with her husband due to COVID-19. Getting the vaccine puts the two of them one step closer to reuniting. Let’s all do our part so we can all be together again.

If You Have Had The Vaccine, Are You Fully Protected From COVID-19?
Dr. Randy Marriott answers: If you have had one or both rounds of the vaccine, are you fully protected from COVID-19?

I Miss - Donna J. Wilson
Donna J. Wilson has 16 grandchildren she can’t wait to see now that she’s received her COVID-19 vaccine. Let’s put this virus behind us.

Teachers Share Thoughts on the COVID-19 Vaccine
Local teachers in our community share their thoughts on receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. We thank them for their hard work, dedication, and for showing leadership in this fight against the virus. You are all heroes.

Even If I Am Vaccinated, Do I Still Have To Wear A Mask?
Dr. Randy Marriott answers: Even if I am vaccinated, do I still have to wear a mask?

Dan Meixner of Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School Shares Thoughts on COVID-19 Vaccine
Dan Meixner, President of Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School, explains why he decided to receive his COVID-19 vaccine. Together, we have the power to get back to normal.

Do I Need The Vaccine If I’ve Already Tested Positive For COVID 19?
Dr. Randy Marriott answers: Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already tested positive for COVID-19?

My Why - COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
Carla Pettiford received her COVID-19 vaccine so she could be in the delivery room when her grandchild is born this spring. Protecting ourselves means protecting our loved ones. What’s your why?