Pillow Talk: Be Open About Bladder Issues
Open communication relieves stress and restores confidence.

What’s Causing My Allergy Symptoms?
Allergy testing is the first step to avoiding allergens and seeking allergy relief.

Natural? Prescription? 5 Treatment Options for Menopause Relief
Had enough of hot flashes and sleepless nights? Consider these natural and prescription treatments.

8 Ways You Can Live Well with Menopause
Think there’s nothing you can do to stop your menopause misery? Think again.

Why Now? 6 Reasons for Early Menopause
Think you’re too young for menopause? Learn why it can happen at an early age.

What is ‘The Change’? Menopause Basics
“Is it hot in here, or is it just me?” “Does this ever go away?” Answers to your basic questions about “the change.”

‘The Change’ Begins: Navigating through Perimenopause
As you journey through perimenopause into menopause, knowing what to expect can help you live well.

Don’t Let Menopause Wreck Your Life!
Had enough? Can’t take it anymore? Improve your life during menopause with these tested tips.

Protect Yourself from the Health Risks of Menopause
During menopause, heart disease and bone loss increase as estrogen levels fall.

Is Menopausal Hormone Therapy Right for You?
Know the benefits and risks of taking hormone therapy for menopause symptoms.

Eat Your Way to Better Health During Menopause
Know the essential foods and vitamins you need during menopause and beyond.

7 Great Reasons to Get Moving after Menopause
Stay active in your postmenopausal years to prevent weight gain, boost your mood, build bone density and reduce your risk for disease.

When Is It Time to See My Doctor about Bladder and Pelvic Health Issues?
Urinary incontinence and pelvic health issues are not a normal part of aging.

How to Keep Going When You “Gotta Go”
Take control of bladder and pelvic issues and get on with your busy life.

Is It Harmful to “Hold It”?
There’s no need to worry about effects of holding a full bladder — as long as it’s not too long, too often.