Video: February Weigh In

For weight loss, slow and steady is the way to go.

Video: Making February a Great Month

Celebrate your success and keep the momentum going!

Why Am I So Tired?

Your thyroid may be to blame for those tired legs.

Video: A Breathing Tip for Your Workout

Can pursing your lips really help your workout?

Finding Your Balance – All Things in Moderation

Can dinner out actually help your long-term weight loss goals?

Video: Body Image: A Body is a Body

Does changing in the locker room raise your anxiety level?

Video: How Increased Breast Tissue Affects Your Health

Extra breast tissue can put a strain on your back and neck.

Video: We All Have Body Issues!

Big thighs? Arm flab? We all have things we want to change!

Social Media Can Offer the Support You Need

Make social media your friend in your weight loss journey

Video: Best Cardio Yet: Finding the Inner Athlete

As your workouts progress, the good feelings grow.

Video: Unintended Exercise

What goes down must go up!

Meal Services Keep it Fast and Fresh

Is a meal service a good solution for you?

Eating Your Feelings?

Who here copes with life’s ups and downs by eating? There’s a better way.

Can I Blame My Weight on My Thyroid?

Hormones could be behind your weight gain or loss.