EMS Distance Learning Continuing Education (CE)

The Premier Health Emergency and Trauma Institute and EMS Center of Excellence EMS Academy offer educational webinars. You can earn EMS CE's at your own pace whenever it's convenient for you! Please check this page frequently as we continue to add more webinars to our library. Learn more about EMS Distance Learning educational opportunities outside of Premier. 

Please note – the Teams Live Event links expire after 6 months and the presentations will disappear from the library, please plan accordingly! We are working towards saving and republishing some, but not all of our expired presentations so they can be reposted as long as they are still relevant and current to GMVEMSC protocol. Some presentations may be a ‘limited engagement’. As such, note if the presentation has an expiration date listed at the end of the ‘Description/Objectives’.

To receive a continuing education certificate, you must watch the presentation and complete an application for your free EMS CE Credit which includes your demographics, a quiz you must pass with ≥70%, and an evaluation. This is in compliance with the Ohio Advisory Code (OAC 4765-7-12) regarding continuing education distance learning and is approved by the Ohio DPS EMS Education Division (effective January 13, 2020).

This training references the GMVEMSC Standing Orders (Protocol) version in effect at the time of production.

Please allow up to 30 days for the issuance of the EMS continuing education (CE) certificate from the EMS Center of Excellence. If, after 30 days you have not received your CE certificate? Check your Spam and/or Junk mail folders and if not found, contact weR4EMS@premierhealth.com and we will investigate.

Thank you for participating in this online EMS continuing education experience. If you have comments or suggestions, please email PHemseducation@premierhealth.com