
Pre-registration is required by May 8, 2025. Registration cancellations will not be refunded after this date. If an attendee is unable to attend, a substitute may attend.

Seminar Fee

Physicians: $105
Nursing, Respiratory Therapists, and Allied Health Professionals: $ 70
Students (Medical, Nursing, Respiratory Therapists, and Allied Health): $ 45
EMS: $25

Premier Health Employees: Payroll deduction is available. Please send your name, title, site location, and employee ID number to Lyndsey Johns at

The fee includes:

  • Attendance
  • Continental Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon Refreshments
  • Continuing Education
  • Handout Materials

Grand prize drawing: Apple iPad

Miami Valley Hospital does not endorse any product or service. The Faculty and Planning Committee have declared no conflict of interest. There is commercial support for this event.

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