Getting Pregnant
Getting pregnant isn’t always easy. And it comes with a lot of responsibility. Premier Health providers share advice about infertility, achieving a healthy weight before and during pregnancy, and other healthy steps you can take to impact your baby’s growth and development.

Help Your Doctor Help You with Endometriosis
A little prep will get you to quicker answers for endometriosis pain.

Endometriosis? Take Good Care of Yourself
Don’t put up with the pain of endometriosis.

Endometriosis? Pregnancy’s Still Possible!
Can I get pregnant if I have endometriosis?

Endometriosis: Big Name for a Big Pain
One in 10 women of childbearing age has this condition that can cause pelvic pain and infertility.

Are You at Risk for Endometriosis?
Healthy choices can help lower your risk for endometriosis.

PCOS and Infertility: 9 Answers You Need
Get the facts about the most common cause of infertility in women.

What Do You Say When a Friend Miscarries?
Be direct and empathetic — but respect boundaries.
How to Cope with the Loss of Miscarriage
Openly communicate, accept your grief as normal and seek support when you need it.

Can Ovulation Kits Help You Get Pregnant?
They’re valuable if you know how to use them.

The Clock is Ticking: Age and Infertility
With advancing age comes a greater risk for infertility. When to seek expert help.

What’s Up with Rising Infertility Rates?
What’s the link between life choices and the upswing in infertility?

Separate Fact from Fiction about Infertility
Learn what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to infertility

Infertility Words and Terms to Know
If you’re going to “talk the talk,” know the terms to use.

Infertility Issues: Yours, Mine or Ours
Learn the most common causes of infertility in women and men

Infertility: How and Why Age Is a Factor
Learn about the inability to get pregnant at various ages.

Hoping – But Waiting – for Baby #2
After a successful pregnancy, infertility can frustrate and challenge parents.

A Baby After 40? Learn the Fertility Facts
Unfortunately, age is a major risk factor for infertility.