Austin's Story: 24-Hour, Full-Service Emergency Care Close By
When trauma strikes, every second counts. A delay in treatment could mean the difference between a full recovery and a lifetime disability, and in the most severe cases, life and death.
That's why Austin McKee is grateful Miami Valley Hospital Austin Boulevard Emergency Center opened on Sept. 24, 2018. Just one day later, he was four minutes away when an oncoming car collided with his 2012 Ford Focus at Byers and Benner roads in Miamisburg.
"I was turning left and got t-boned," recalls the 20-year-old Miamisburg resident six months later. "The crash launched my car clear across the road. I remember feeling like my left side was badly bruised. I was able to crawl out on the passenger's side, but after I stood up I dropped to the ground."
Medics arrived almost immediately and transported Austin two miles away to Austin Boulevard Emergency Center, which offers fully-equipped, 24-hour, full-service emergency care to Miamisburg and surrounding communities.
Compassionate Care
"They told me I was just their ninth patient!" Austin remembers with a chuckle. "It was my first experience in an emergency room and I just kept thinking, 'Am I going to be all right? Will I walk again?' But the nurses and entire staff were so nice, kind, and reassuring. The whole place felt calm."
The collision broke Austin's left pelvis in three places.
The center's physicians trained in Advanced Trauma Life Support techniques provide immediate in depth assessment of injuries and can quickly initiate transfer to a trauma center if needed. Austin was diagnosed with pelvic fractures that required orthopedic specialty care. CareFlight Air and Mobile Services’ Medical Intensive Care Unit transported him to Miami Valley Hospital’s main campus in Dayton, where he spent a few days recovering. Though seriously injured, no surgery was needed.
"I didn't walk again until Nov. 7," says the Wright State University freshman. "But I'm working out again, I don't have any pain and I'm doing really well.
Benefits of the Emergency Center
Austin Boulevard Emergency Center features 12 emergency beds, including two trauma bays, and is staffed by board-certified emergency medicine physicians from Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton’s only Level I Trauma Center. Patients love it, says the center's medical director, Kimberly Wascak, MD.
"It has advanced equipment, it's a beautiful facility and there's virtually no wait," Dr. Wascak says. "We can treat all medical conditions that present here, with only a small number of patients needing to be transferred for admission to a higher level of care, such as Miami Valley Hospital downtown or Miami Valley Hospital South in Centerville."
The center provides rapid stroke care as part of the Premier Health TeleStroke Network and also provides faster access to trauma and cardiac care through the Premier Health trauma network and direct to cath lab program. It offers lab and imaging services including CT and X-ray, as well as CareFlight Air and Mobile Services for fast transport if hospitalization is needed.
The center also features a community room with audio-visual capabilities that community members can reserve for meetings and trainings.
Dr. Wascak says Austin's case illustrates the importance of having free-standing emergency centers located throughout a region rather than at hospitals alone.
"I think it's a huge benefit to be located in a community where people live, work, and shop," she says. "They don't need to travel for miles to a hospital for care. We can see them quickly, get them treated, and get them back to life as soon as possible. That's our goal."

Kimberly Wascak, MD
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If you or a loved one needs emergency or trauma care, our teams of specially trained doctors and nurses are here to help. At Premier Heath, we quickly assess your condition and provide the care and treatment you need.
You can access emergency services at the following locations:
- Atrium Medical Center: (513) 974-5017(513) 974-5017
- Austin Boulevard Emergency Center: (937) 388-7965
- Beavercreek Emergency Center: (937) 797-6400(937) 797-6400
- Jamestown Emergency Center: (937) 374-5280
- Miami Valley Hospital: (937) 208-8775(937) 208-8775
- Miami Valley Hospital North: (937) 734-9500(937) 734-9500
- Miami Valley Hospital South: (937) 438-2205
- Upper Valley Medical Center: (937) 440-4774(937) 440-4000