Clinical Trials For Cancer Patients

Cancer clinical trials are research studies that primarily involve people who have cancer. These studies aim to find a more effective way to do one or more of the following:

  • Treat cancer
  • Prevent cancer
  • Diagnose cancer
  • Manage the symptoms of cancer
  • Reduce the side effects of cancer treatment

Most of the cancer treatments used today are the result of clinical trials. When you participate in a clinical trial, you add to the world’s knowledge about cancer and help improve cancer care.

Participating In Clinical Trials

Participating in a clinical trial is voluntary. Some volunteers in the trial receive the new treatment, therapy, or drug that is being tested. Other volunteers receive the standard treatment, or no treatment at all. When the trial ends, researchers use the results to determine if the new treatment/therapy/drug is more or less effective than the standard. If the researchers conclude that the new therapy is proven to work better, the volunteers who received it during the clinical trial would be among the first to benefit from it.

Premier Health provides access to cutting edge clinical trials supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Many studies are sponsored by nationally recognized pharmaceutical companies. By partnering with Premier Health and participating in a clinical trial, you may have the opportunity to be one of the first patients to benefit from a new cancer therapy. This means you have access to the most current treatments available close to home.

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions About Clinical Trials

If you or your loved one is considering volunteering for a cancer clinical trial, you likely have lots of questions, including: What trials are available? Am I eligible? Is there a cost? How do I enroll? Get answers to these and other common questions about clinical trials.


Contact Us

Call the Premier Health cancer hotline at (844) 316-HOPE(844) 316-4673 (4673), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., to connect with a Premier Health cancer navigator.